Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Diana with 135mm

Diana is a big eater with low productivity. Feed her a roll of 120mm films and she only gives you 12 or 16 shots. Too expensive. So let me try feeding her a roll of expired 135mm and see how she reacts.

This is how I feed her.

As you can see from the picture, there's a big space in between the films and the camera base, because the size of 120mm is a lot more bigger than the 135mm. We need to get something to hold the negative there so that it won't move around too much.

I googled for a solution, of course. The helpful dude from lomotw suggested cutting up the spool and fit it into the negative.

Ok! So I cut up my spool and then realised that it's too fat. Miss Spool needs a visit to sliming center before she can serve Diana.

Never mind. Google again. Hmm... Bubble foam to make up the space sounds good, but I didn't have any of them.

The solution stroke me when I was using the ruler to measure the length of the negative compartment.

I put the ruler into good use, by breaking it into the length of the negative compartment. By the way, that was Cindy's ruler.

I used the ruler as a base, then taped the negative firmly to it.

My Diana is ready to rock n'roll in 135mm!

Hopefully this roll of negative comes out fine, with the sprocket hole effect :)

Update: Just realised the guy from dianacamera.com used the same trick

1 comment:

Tinket said...

Wow, there goes my ruler.. But it is so clever of you. Cant wait to try out the new diana on 135mm film...